Monday, October 6, 2008

Pregnancy "Without The Pounds And Be Healthy"

Is it possbile? I think most people start off wanting to be healthy, but pregnancy is hard. First, it's the morning sickness. This is a time where your just lucky to be able to eat anything, so you eat whatever sounds good. If you are like me, that is most likely not something healthy. It is different for everyone and is usually different with every pregnancy. With one baby, I could eat anything with lemon in it (lemon heads, lemon merangue pie, lemon pudding, lemon custard, lemonade, etc. With another it was spagetti sauce, salsa, enchilada sauce.etc. Both of these cause heart burn by the way. Not Good! It is too hard to excersise when you feel like you will be sick at any moment. And maybe you just need a nap, because you are so exhausted you could fall asleep standing. My point is, it's easy to say, "When I get through this part, I'll be good and healthy."

Once you get through the sickness, you feel great, but some how you can still find enough excuses to not eat right and exercise. Your a little deppressed about your changing and expanding body, but all your friends are telling you, "It's just baby weight."

By the third trimester, you are as big as a house and feel like nothing would help at this point so you will worry about it after the baby comes. You don't have the strength or the energy to walk let alone excersise. As far as eating goes, it makes you happy and is one of the few luxuries you have left at this point.

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