Friday, October 3, 2008


Check out the 10 growth milestones for baby:
  1. By the end of this month baby weighs around 1-1/4 to 1-1/2 pounds.
  2. Baby is around a foot long.
  3. Increasing fat deposits beneath the skin cause her to take on a more plump, though still wrinkly, appearance.
  4. Fingernails and eyelashes develop. S
  5. calp hair increases.
  6. She now has a more recognizable baby face.
  7. The vernix caseosa now covers the skin completely, like a layer of thin, whitish paste.
  8. By 24th weeks, baby's nostrils open.
  9. Her lungs begin to develop air sacs, called alveoli, though not enough of them to sustain breathing outside the womb.
  10. Baby still needs the nourishment of her mother's womb! If she were born now her breathing would have to be assisted.

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